Friday 18 September 2009


Hello, welcome to Jawdyn's (Ritsuka Aoyagi) Farmville Get-Rich-Quick guide! This guide is here to help you become successful as fast as you possibly can on the popular Facebook game - Farmville!

This guide is not here to teach you all of the basics of actually playing Farmville although I do help a little in that area. If you find yourself confused when I mention gifts or medals, thats for you to figure out. It's all really simple. I do not claim this to be the fastest way to do things, I just found this way to be the best way. Alot of people have asked me how I level up so fast so this is mainly why I am here writing this up. :)


The Basics

The first thing you will want to do is delete your crops that have already been planted! You can keep the fields that have been plowed but have nothing planted in them. Ok, so thats easy enough. Use the delete tool to delete your crops. If you are wondering why we are deleting these crops its because we are planting a different type of seed and different seeds take different amounts of time to grow, and you want all your crops to be the same seed so they can all be planted and harvested in sync to save yourself coming on at different times in the day to do each group. Egglants & Wheat suck anyway, get rid of them!
¤ The Delete Tool, located at the bottom right corner of the screen.

¤ Delete your crops.

Now you will want to trap your character inbetween objects. The reason you do this is because when you plow, plant seeds or harvest your character needs to walk all the way over to the crop/animal and then it will begin the task, but if they're trapped then they won't walk over, it will just happen! The quickest way to trap them is to use signs. Don't ever plant a crop on the spot your character is at when you first load up the game, and the spot they spawn on first is the spot you're going to put the signs around. Click the sign tool and put 4 of them around your character to trap them.

NOTE: Each time you expand the size of your farm your character will spawn further down the farm, you will have to move the signs when this happens.

¤ Sign Tool, located at the top of the screen.

¤ Place 4 around the character to secure him. ;)

Okay, so now we have one trapped character and 2 plowed fields that were already there when we first started the game! Looking like this:

¤ Your field so far!

It's time to get the rest of the field plowed so we can seed it. There are 3 stages when it comes to crops: Plowing, Planting & Harvesting. Okay, so begin plowing your field, be sure to keep them all in line with each other. Start from bottom corner if it helps, don't start at the top sides. If you do this right, you will be left with a 2x2 area going around the outer space of the farm, you can use this space for trees and animals but it will mainly be the space used for Hay Bales (more on that further down the page).

If you are beginning for the first time, which I doubt you are because you probably wouldn't have searched for this guide straight away, then you will find yourself not having enough cash to plow your entire field just yet... CRAP! So, whats the solution? NEIGHBOURS.

Neighbours are the best way to rake in money so early in the game, the reason for this is Medal Bonuses. When you earn a milestone in the game you can publish it on your Facebook wall, and everyone else who plays Farmville can get a coin reward from this bonus. If you have a lot of neighbours, then you will be seeing more medal rewards, and this means more bonuses for you which means more coins for you! muhahaha.

There are 4 types of medal, each one gives you a different amount of coins as a reward!

Medal Guide
Yellow Medal +50 coins
White Medal +100 coins
Red Medal +250 coins
Blue Medal +500 coins

I usually don't bother with yellow or white, but if you're a low level then you may want to for the time being.

¤ This is what a bonus looks like. You have to bag them fast, they expire if a certain number of people claim it first OR if a certain amount of time elapses!

The fastest way to get neighbours is to go to the the Farmville application page and post a comment on ALL of their wall posts and make a wall post on their page advertising that you are looking for neighbours. An example comment would be "Hey, add me if you want a neighbour who gifts daily". The friend requests should come flying in and you'll have plenty of neighbours before you know it. You must accept a neighbour request to acquire a neighbour, neighbour requests are located on the same page as all other Facebook requests such as friend requests, and if you get any then you will be notified in the top right corner of your Facebook homepage!

¤ Facebook Requests.

Okay, so after you raked in some cash it's time to plant the seeds. DON'T PLANT YOUR SEEDS UNTIL YOU HAVE FULLY PLOWED YOUR FIELD, DON'T BE LAZY. =P Wait until you have enough coins to plow the entire field, so then you can plant them all at the same time.

Now, there are a number of seeds to choose from in the Market. At level one, I found that Soybeans are the best choice to go with. They take one day to harvest, and overall you will make a 33 coins profit from each crop you plant of them.

It costs 15 coins to plow a field and 15 to plant Soybeans which means it costs 30 coins to get them planted overall, and after they're fully grown they will sell for 63 coins which makes you a 33 coin profit. I advise you keep using Soybeans each day until you are high enough level to use Peppers, and then Grapes. All 3 of these seeds take 1 day to grow. Plants do whither and die if you do not harvest them for so long after they have grown.

Unlock guide
Soybeans - Level 1 - 33 coin profit per day
Peppers - Level 12 - 77 coin profit per day
Grapes - Level 19 - 170 coin profit per day

So each day, you want to be plowing your entire field and then planting Soybeans on each field all at the same time so you can come back exactly 24 hours later and harvest them all together, then plow and plant all over again. Repeat this until you are level 12 and then start using peppers, and then until you are level 19 then you should start using Grapes.

Expanding Land Size

Expanding your land is vital to making more money, more land means more crops, more crops means more money. It costs a different amount of coins to expand your farm to each size, but it costs the same amount of Famrville cash to expand to any of the sizes. With that said, you should buy the LAST size with your Farmville cash, because it will be the cheapest way to do things. You obtain 1 FV cash each time you level up, and you also begin with 5. Resist using them for anything other than buying your biggest piece of land, don't buy any houses or decorations with them.

Land Size Guide
12x12 - Default beginner size
14x14 - 10,000 coins or 20 FV cash - Buy this with coins
16x16 - 25,000 coins or 20 FV cash - Buy this with coins
18x18 - 50,000 coins or 20 FV cash - Buy this with coins
20x20 - 75,000 coins or 20 FV cash - Buy this with your FV cash

Understand that at the time I write this the creators of Farmville have not yet unlocked the 22x22 and 24x24 field, but they do exist. If they have been released by the time you are reading this then just buy the LAST or DEAREST piece of land with your FV cash and buy the rest with coins.


Animals are not that great for anything in my opinion, I only keep two kinds of animal on my farm at they are Goats & Ugly Ducklings. Neither of these can be bought from the Market.

Goats must be sent to you as a gift from a neighbour. You can unlock the goat as a gift when you reach level 18. Although horses make more money than goats, they take up more space on the farm. I think horses take up a 2x2 area, goats take a single slot, so you can have 4 goats in place of a horse, and those 4 goats will produce more than one horse.

¤ Gift a goat.

Ugly ducklings cannot be gifted, they must be adopted. You can find random animals on your field and then publish the find on your wall and other people can adopt the animal. You must adopt Ugly Ducklings when fellow neighbours find them. Ugly Ducklings transform into Swans and swans produce good money.

¤ Adopt an Ugly Duckling.


Vehicles help you plow & harvest your last faster, they can plow/harvest 4 crops at the same time as opposed to you plowing and harvesting each one individually. You have to buy fuel for these viechles. Personally, I don't like them and I don't use them, I advise you not to use them unless you are a lazy person who can't be bothered clicking a few extra fields. They are just there to save time.

¤ Vehicles in the Market.

Where The Magic Happens

Hay Bales. When you buy a hay bale (Decorations) it gains you 5XP but takes 100 coins from you. Conveniently, they only take up one space on the farm, and since you will have a 2x2 area on the upper outlines of your map, this is the perfect spot to put them. Basically, you will be buying 5XP for 100 coins. This is by far the easiest and fasest way to gain Experience on Farmville. It is important you buy the regular brown hay bales as the coloured ones cost 125 coins and it wouldnt make a difference because you'll be deleting them all after buying them anyway.

¤ Hay Bales in the Decoration category of the Market.

Always spend your crop profit on Hay Bales. After placing them in every available spot up the top sides of your farm, you have to delete them all to make room for new ones which you will buy so you can get even more XP.

¤ Hay Bales placed in the uppser sides of your farm.

XP Buying Chart
100 coins - 1 Hay Bale - 5XP
1000 coins - 10 Hay Bales - 50XP
10,000 coins - 100 Hay Bales - 500XP
25,000 coins - 250 Hay Bales - 1250XP
50,000 coins - 500 Hay Bales - 2500XP

...etcetera etcetera...

Now, I know deleting Hay Bales can be a pain in the ass, but if you want to level fast then thats pain you will have to endure im afraid.

I think this concludes my Guide. I wouldn't be surprised if the creators of Farmville make some changes to the XP gained from Hay Bales after they find out people are taking advantage of it in this way, so i'd jump on the wagon fast if I were you.

At the moment I have a 20x20 field, which is 400 crops. I am planting grapes so that is 400xgrape profit which is 400x170 equalling 68,000 coins profit per day. A 20x20 crop field can place roughly 6400 Hay Bales, 6400 Hay Bales will cost me 640,000 coins, so I am going to grow my 400 grape crops every day for the next 2 weeks gaining 68,00 coins per day, in the end I will have enough to buy the 6400 Hay Bales and this will get me roughly 32,000XP... Kerching!

This guide was written on the 18th of September 2009, if Farmville has changed since this date then there is nothing we can do about that unfortunately. I hope this guide has helped you and if you want to say thanks or give me any feedback, send me a message on Facebook - My username is Ritsuka Aoyagi but you can find me by clicking a link below! I'm always looking for neighbours and I need people who will gift Goats/Olive Tree's to me daily!

¤ Visit Ritsuka's Facebook page
¤ Send Ritsuka a message on Facebook

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